Universal burners (33 - 210 kW)

Universal oil burners are designed to work with different types of oil. Plant, animal or mineral oils without any modification work. This is made possible by compressed air spray technology.

GU series

GU series GIERSCH burner

Depending on the capacity, the universal oil burners are equipped with 1 to 3 nozzles.

GU20 33 - 52 kW

Electric motor power: 90 W
Mode of operation: Single-stage
On demand

GU55 50 - 75 kW

Electric motor power: 90 W
Mode of operation: Single-stage
On demand

GU100 70 - 132 kW

Electric motor power: 180 W
Mode of operation: Single-stage
On demand

GU200 148 - 210 kW

Electric motor power: 250 W
Mode of operation: Single-stage
On demand